FCB Conveyor belt

FCB belt is designed to transport loose materials with small lumps, it means to transport sand, ash, gravel, etc. The core of the belt is made ​​up of steel cord inserts, cover layers are made of abrasive resistant rubber. At the edges are vulcanized rubber lines for the guiding ropes.


Conveyor belts FCB are wound on wooden drum with sideboards to bound the belt width. The wheel is pulled by steel band on 2-3 places according to belt width. Under the splice of the steel cords are inserted rubber pads, to the cover the conveyor belt from demages during transport.

  1. Caoutchouc foil "AA" w = 4 mm
  2. Fleximat
    • * w = 762 mm
    • * w = 927 mm
  3. Caoutchouc foil with = 6 mm
  4. Lateral lines - a mixture of "AA"

Use case

Technical parameters

Physical properties

Compound Hardness (ShA) Strenght (Mpa) Tensibility (%) Density (g/cm3) Compression (%)
Caoutchouc foil „AA“; w = 4 mm 60±5 18 min. 400 1,12 max. 25
Fleximat ad. 2a) BF 4 x 0,6 / 0,8 MF / 3,5 / 762
ad. 2b) BF 4 x 0,71 / 0,8 MF / 4 / 927
Caoutchouc foil; s= 6 mm 68±5 5 až 7 min. 170 1,39 max. 40

Technical terms of acceptance

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