When transporting materials in sand quarries, cement plants, heating plants or power plants you are usually dealing with the need to transport powdery material within the range of tens or hundreds of metres. In comparison to the surface mines the distance is shorter and the material is not as heavy.
Therefore, you should be using smaller conveyor systems with light technological rollers with diameter between 63mm and 133mm (potentially event smaller diameter). The width should be up to 1200 at maximum.
Moreover, different conveyor systems should be used with regards to the type of the material, incline of the surface, etc.
If you are transporting light material on surface with low incline then you can use a gravity roller conveyor. Gravity roller conveyors are for example roller tracks. It is a simple conveyor which either uses the weight of the material as a drive together with a low incline (gravity track/conveyor) or it uses a strap inside the conveyor pro ensuring the minimal drive of the rollers (powered track). The angle of the incline should be very low, i.e. 1,5° do 5°.
The application of roller tracks is in stocks, inter-operation transport, loading and unloading, production, assembly or expedition. It is concerning mainly transport of unit materials, boxes, palettes or blocks.
Other application for roller tracks with light technological rollers is for:
If you need to transport material in higher speed and incline then it is better to use belt conveyors (powered conveyor). The belt of the conveyor is both the supporting and traction element for transporting of the material. Belt conveyors can be used with higher incline, from 12° to 23°.
The advantage of belt conveyors is a high transporting speed, performance, longer transporting distance, easy maintenance and low energetic demand.
Belt conveyors with technological rollers are suitable for the transport of unit material. Example of such applications is:
At KSK Belt we would be happy to help you with the production of light technological rollers with diameters 63mm, 76mm 108mm a 133mm. Please contact us or call us for any question.
We are also able to produce atypical rollers according to documentation.
Moreover, we are able to supply conveyor belts for the mentioned conveyor systems.